The names of the Lourdes Collection were not chosen out of flippancy. They not only embody the French
aesthetic but also reflect the lives of courageous women; from Antoinette, a Carmelite nun who was martyred as she sung the Salve Regina, to Marie Martin, the sister of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, who took on intense maternal responsibilities once her mother passed. Keep reading to learn about the inspirations behind the names and designs of the Lourdes Collection.
Who am I seeking to reflect? Who inspires what I wear?
If the clothing I wear has a name, there is an immediate starting point for contemplation and wonder. Litany desires to stir up this sense of reflection in the way we clothe ourselves.
The Marie pant is named after St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s eldest sister. Marie’s story is not often recalled because like her saintly sister, she lived a holy, hidden life of sacrifice. Her devotion to St. Joseph offered her consolation during her various illnesses and difficulties in school. She took over the spiritual and academic education of her younger sisters once their mother had passed.
We describe the Marie pant as coming “with a generous 1-inch seam allowance because you deserve clothing that has space to change for you.” Marie experienced a lot of difficult transitions, and she handled them with grace. The versatility of these pants reflects that same docility we strive for in our own hearts during seasons of big changes.
The Colette top is named after a woman who had a miraculous growth-spurt, called things back to order
within the Poor Clares religious order, and was known for her great devotion to Our Lady. She is the patron saint of expectant mothers and those who desire motherhood. The elegant, feminine Colette top expresses the grace and confident trust this little saint had in the Lord during suffering. The off-the shoulder sleeves, with modest covering, reminds us a of this gentle surrender of the will in the day-to-day; an inspiration to not take everything upon our own shoulders, but delicately offer all to Jesus through Mary.
Many of the names point to Our Lady, from the Regina vest, Rose pant, and Massabielle coat.
Regina Caeli is Latin for “Queen of Heaven.” It is one of the great contemplative hymns of the Catholic
Church that urges one to rejoice in the reality of salvation history and the intimacy of Christ and His Church.
The style of the vest represents the water and rock formations in Lourdes and points to the hiddenness of
Mary’s queenly role while she was on earth. The inner bright yellow, pointing to Mary holding the Christ-
child within her womb, an exclamation of hope.
The rosary has been referred to as offering a rose garden to honor Our Lady and to please her Son. Another instance of roses relating to Our Lady, are the golden roses resting at her feet in the grotto. The simplicity of the Rose pant with the intricate embroidered detail, reminds us to look for the Lord in ordinary things rather than overlook them because they initially appear plain (as was the case with St. Bernadette when the apparitions began).
Massabielle is the name of the healing grotto at Lourdes, literally meaning “old rock.” The Massabielle coat is first described as reflecting the “folds of Mary’s mantle,” a reminder of Mary’s graceful strength as she
protects and consoles her children who seek healing.
Last but not least, we must mention the important dignity of the ordinary persons that have moved us.
The Louise top shares the name of St. Bernadette’s mother. Louise mothered six children and worked as a
laundress. We can only imagine the humility and endurance she must have needed when Bernadette was
falsely accused of having psychological issues and bombarded by journalists, not to mention the underlining financial strain of the family. The flowy top, reflecting the waters of Lourdes, holds the name of a woman whose “yes” to life, in having six children, allowed for these healing waters to flow. If she did not say “yes” to her vocation, to having children, who knows if we would have had a St. Bernadette with a heart ready to listen to Our Lady. She inspires us to be saints in the ordinary by being faithful to God, work, and family.
The Celeste top is named after a teenage girl whom Veronica Marrinan (co-founder of Litany) served in the baths at Lourdes. Celeste is French for “heavenly.” Veronica mentions, “[Celeste] was such a typical high schooler. It reminded me how we're all called to be saints, no matter how ordinary our lives feel.” We all have the capacity for sanctity. The Celeste top might remind you of the romantic styled paintings of saints in the billowy, soft gowns—which represent grace—a grace offered to all.
Let us continue to reflect on what we put on, who we put on, by understanding those people, places and
things which we have given permission to imprint our soul.