Pentecost Sunday is approaching and we are looking forward to entering into the day by reflecting the Holy Spirit in our clothing. The Jewish feast of Pentecost (Shavuot) “Feast of Weeks,” was celebrated in thanksgiving for the first fruits of the wheat harvest. The coming of the Holy Spirit during this Jewish celebration, was the fulfillment and perfection of what God began on Mount Sinai (the giving of the Law as a guide for man to draw near to God). Now God is present in man, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit poured out in Baptism. This is no small feast of the Church and worth contemplating this weekend. We are able to ponder and reflect on the events of Pentecost in our clothing; here is some inspiration for your style this Sunday.
Joy & Zeal: Pink & Red
Red is notoriously the theological color of the Holy Spirit for passion and zeal of the faith, paired with charity (as fierce love), and of course the tongues of fire through which He revealed His presence. This color also representing the martyrs who were filled with Holy Spirit in both zeal and love for Christ, emanating a supernatural fortitude to defend the Faith unto death. The lighter highlight of red: pink, theologically points to the joy of the Holy Spirit (check out this cloistered religious order, The Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters, who wear pink habits to point to this reality).

Consoler & Advocate: Florals
Fun Fact: there is a flower of the Holy Spirit called the Paeonia officinalis, Peony, “Pentecost Rose.”
“In many regions the peony is in full bloom at Pentecost, the end of May or first part of June. The peony has dual symbolism for “Love of God”—for when, in his love for us, he sent his Holy Spirit to guide and console us.” Wear anything with roses or peonies involved whether that is a floral crown, earrings, patch on a jean jacket, or a dress full of them!
