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Dress like the Resurrection

We have 50 days to revel and feast in the glory of the fulfillment of the Protoevangelium (Genesis 3:15) in which God promised Adam and Eve that death would not have the final say. Let us not cease celebrating on Easter Monday but zealously express the lasting joy of redemption in our clothing for these 50 days. We have collected our inspiration from Scripture and Tradition in crafting these style suggestions.

Mary Magdalene: “I have seen the Lord”

Reflection: Mary Magdalene presumes the risen Lord is just a gardener—it would seem too good to be true to actually be Jesus risen from the dead. Jesus fittingly allows her to see Him as a gardener—the cultivator of our souls—the New Adam who has guarded the Kingdom and defeated the enemy. She boldly shares her testimony that she has seen HIM. Let us be sensitive to His presence in our own lives.

What to wear: Reflect this posture of vigilance and receptivity through spring florals, offering the saplings of our hearts to the Gardener to guard and cultivate. Consider wearing sneakers to reflect how she ran in haste to tell the disciples of her testimony.

The Empty Tomb: “So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy”

Reflection: The women reached the tomb before dawn. Darkness surrounds them. What must have initially appeared as a disappointment, an empty promise, was a sign of its fulfillment. Those who approach the tomb are initially fearful—expectant of the worst case scenario! It requires the presence of angels to remind them of Jesus’ words—that He promised He would rise on the third day. Let us let down our guard and audaciously hope beyond our circumstances.

What to wear: Reflect this posture of hope through simplicity in style and color. Consider wearing a monochrome outfit or minimalist jewelry as a sign of letting our fears die and choosing vulnerability with the Lord. Wear “before sunrise colors” –deep hues of blue and mauve to reflect the pondering hearts of the women on their way to the tomb.

The Road to Emmaus: “Were not our hearts burning?”

Reflection: Jesus brings clarity to the men on a journey—revealing God’s consistency from the Old to the New Testament. We are often blind to the Lord’s careful work in our hearts and in our circumstances. We are quick to assume He has abandoned us. Let us rejoice with the disciples when they realized He has kept His word and that He has come back for us.

What to wear: Reflect this posture of new life and joy through vibrant colors: orange and yellow hues alongside bright pinks and greens. Consider wearing some statement jewelry to express the bold confidence we have in the Resurrection.

The Exultet: “Rejoice”

Reflection: The proclamation at the start of the Easter Vigil is worth pondering throughout the whole Easter season. It traces God’s consistency and the events leading up to Redemption from the Garden of Eden to freedom from Egypt and the tribes of Levi. In the readings we reflect on the baptismal themes of living water and springs—we die to rise with Him through the renewal of our baptismal promises. Let us tremble with awe as we proclaim: “O happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer!”

What to wear: Reflect this posture of triumph through white garments—the Church triumphant as the spotless Bride of Christ. Consider metallic accessories to reflect the cosmic battle of Revelation that is ultimately won in Christ. Wear flowy silhouettes reflecting our renewal of baptism.

Faith of St. Thomas: “My Lord and My God!”

Reflection: We hear St. Thomas’ witness to the faith in the final week of Lent in John 11. When Christ prophecies about His death—Thomas immediately responds: “Let us also go to die with him” (John 11:16). He is ready to lay down his life. He is faithful. We cannot blame him for his PTSD and feeling a bit rejected when Jesus appears to all the others before him. Christ anticipated this and gives Thomas the gift to be the first to worship Him as God in His glorified body. The prayer we all now pray before the Eucharist—we who do not see physically but only through the gift of faith. Let us not take the Eucharist, Christ’s presence, for granted. May we hide in Christ’s wounds as Thomas did.

What to wear: Reflect this posture of faithful worship through linen garments reflecting the burial cloths left behind—that we may put aside our doubts and attachments. Consider wearing layered rings and bracelets, using our fingers and arms for worship.

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